Losing Touch
VISUALS | Filmic electrical images morph into a giant representation of an animated ion channel
Giant image of Becci rotating with her hands covering her face, turns to a brain dissection showing multiple rotating rooms. Shifts in plane, sudden downward slippages, surreal images, doors opening, closing, locking, duplicating. |
Initially comedic Despair, confusion, horror Disorientating & plummeting sensations. Psychoanalytical disturbance |
SOUND | The throb and buzz of electrical sounds return as a regular percussive beat & rhythmic figure play out interspersed with melodic string fragments. Lightning storm music is reprised with sharp jagged strings playing a repeated, syncopated riff
Sounds of doors closing and locking |
Complexity, busyness, disorientation.
Furious energy, dramatic and swirling & ready to explode. Building to a climax, memories being locked away forever. A note of doom. |
MOVEMENT | Frank & Franketta dance a unison duet reprising electricity-driven, jump-starting movement material from scenes 3 & 5.
1 by 1 dancers jump into the ion channel and roll out, only to fall flat to the floor Central image is of hands covering faces & clutching heads; movements are reprised from other scenes: Aerial towers (standing on shoulders) The Franketta duet & the circular running in Hive City. One moment of stillness in the midst of wild activity: Becci, Chris & Danny invert into headstands with flexed feet, as though hanging by the strop. |
Reference back to Frank – a reminder that we are electrical beings.
The ion channel is the spark of life but these impulses tumble out and don’t move. Horror film – an enactment of memories swirling around, merging together and being spoiled in nightmarish fashion and mixed up with Frankenstein; a reminder of where the confusion stems from – a malfunction in bodily electricity. |