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Hive City



VISUALS Speeded up film through a tunnel of space rocks; hundreds of windows lighting up across a city at night intercut with images of electricity.
Film is an integral part of the scene – the live movement an extension of the busyness.
Three rooms and events are defined by the film: a girl checks the dials on a washing machine in a utility; petals from a vase of flowers are repeatedly blown by a fan into a woman’s face; slices of toast fly out from a toaster in a kitchen
At the end, the stage is plunged into darkness except for 2 lightbulbs in upper ‘rooms’
Coats and jackets worn over costumes
Fast forward 200 years to a modern city – lit up, busy, energised and running on electricity. The contrast with previous scene lends a sense of reassurance in numbers. Peeking into other people’s lives – pedestrian, a sense of everydayness

Modern day, everyday story

SOUND Electrical sizzling accompanies a busy repeated ‘double quaver-crotchet’ rhythm which drives the scene along below string harmonics with metallic screeches & an echoing train whistle.
Some live warning shouts from dancers.
Busy, layered texture becomes a wash of sound around the rhythm
Busy. Traffic.
Electric trains rocketing along a track in a tunnel; brakes screeching; metal-on-metal
On-going, relentless busyness
MOVEMENT Running, walking, falling, watching, following, slow motion headstand walking, 1-1 interactions (duets), brushing past and knocking into people, live movement/film interaction of everyday incidences Frenetic, threatening, isolating, tense, naturalistic, real, chaotic

Summary of Meaning, Mood and Significance

This Scene As A PDF

Charge is supported by

Warwick Arts Centre, Rothschild Foundation, Ernest Cook Trust, Tipping Point, Stories of Change

Official energy partner of Charge

First Utility

Motionhouse is supported by

Warwick DC, Lottery Funded, Arts Council England, Vitsoe, John Ellerman Foundation