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(FOOTAGE from full length 12:38 – 13:36)

VISUALS Strobe: complete darkness broken every 4 beats with a flash of stark white light Zoetrope effect
SOUND A regular, repeated rhythmic pounding beat on drum synthesiser and tambourine. Strings ascend and descend using ‘metallic’ glissando harmonics Exciting, energising
Eerie, slightly dangerous undertones
MOVEMENT A succession of 26 images in which the dancers are lit, only when in the air
Most poses are extreme: caricatures of figures running mid-flight, jumping stretched and splayed in taut shapes, some facing front, others in profile.2 dancers connect in an embrace; then move increasingly further apart by degrees. He dives repeatedly towards her but makes no progress.
She is always half-reaching an arm toward him
Zoetrope ties in with c18th animation; simple story-telling
A human connection: the story of Becci & Danny in miniature?
Futile gesture

Summary of Meaning, Mood and Significance

This scene as a PDF

Charge is supported by

Warwick Arts Centre, Rothschild Foundation, Ernest Cook Trust, Tipping Point, Stories of Change

Official energy partner of Charge

First Utility

Motionhouse is supported by

Warwick DC, Lottery Funded, Arts Council England, Vitsoe, John Ellerman Foundation